Why & How To Sponsor Us

Our Aims ​
As a volunteer led community rugby club and registered charity (1131238) we deliver the benefits of team sport to everyone in our local community in Hackney and neighbouring boroughs. Our aim is to be the most inclusive and diverse club in the UK. We provide a safe place for adults and children of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities and backgrounds to come together in sport and make a big difference to the physical and mental well-being of everyone.
What makes Hackney RFC Unique?
Hackney is one of the country’s most diverse areas and our club is dedicated to reaching out to everyone in the local community to make our club truly representative of this diversity. We are one of only 3 clubs in the UK to have 3 women’s teams as well as 3 men’s team and a vibrant junior section coaching over 200 local kids of all ages from U6 through to Colts U18.
We have been a part of the local community since 1965. Founded by pupils of Woodbury Down Comprehensive (now Stoke Newington School). Our Players and Volunteers live and work in the local area. Our Community Team Programme provides trained coaches to deliver tag rugby sessions in schools and after school clubs to children who have limited access to sport and no engagement
with rugby.
Volunteer Led
The club is entirely run by local volunteers. With no clubhouse all our income is derived from charitable donations, grant funding and player subscriptions. That’s why we need your help. Without your support many children and adults from diverse and low income backgrounds would be unable to play rugby and would miss out on the fellowship, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship that our club provides to the local community.
What will we do with your sponsorship?
Your sponsorship will help us to build a sustainable foundation for rugby in Hackney, one of London’s most disadvantaged boroughs, by funding our volunteer led activities including;
Community Schools Programme to coach tag rugby; encouraging activity, developing new skills and inspiring confidence in local kids.
Bursaries and support to make rugby affordable for all
Events to support minority groups such as Black History Month and UK Pride
Providing a safe space for all LGBTQ+ players
Supporting the mental health of our players and club members
Events to recruit and welcome new players from all parts of our community.
How will your business benefit?
Sponsorship of a registered charity, with a proven track record in delivering community programmes to very diverse groups, is no longer just an altruistic gesture. Doing the right thing makes us all feel better but there are other tangible benefits to associating with our Club. We will enhance your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) standing, helping you to recruit the right people, secure more investment and win public tenders. We will also provide volunteering and networking opportunities for your team and raise your profile in our community reaching thousands of local players, parents, teachers, volunteers and spectators. We need your support and welcome all sponsorship large and small from businesses of any size.
Contact Us
For more information on sponsorship or on making a donation please get in
touch with us @ fundraising@hackneyrfc.co.uk, or fill in the form below.
Please complete the form to find out how to support Hackney Rugby Club.